by Jarod Ferguson | Development, Healthcare
The healthcare landscape is rapidly shifting and healthcare technology executives are feeling the pressure. Implementing new strategies and technologies to accelerate their organizations’ digital transformation has become a fundamental imperative. Determining the most...
by Natoshia Erickson | Healthcare
The healthcare industry is in a constant state of change. At Royal Jay we recognize it’s not enough to be good at Programming, PPC, and Project Management. We understand that in order to serve our clients well, we must also be knowledgeable in healthcare public...
by Jarod Ferguson | Development, Healthcare
You’re an IT executive. You have important initiatives that your physicians and patients need. You need a technology vendor to deliver, but mainly they struggle to show you anything that works, and most of the time you don’t even know what they are doing. Very...
by Jarod Ferguson | Healthcare
Is It Possible To Store Data In The Human Body? Storing data on the human body is a really interesting topic to us here at Royal Jay. Our experience with patient records drives us to find better solutions that can be implemented today, and in doing so thinking about...
by Jarod Ferguson | Healthcare
At Royal Jay, we work with a lot of patient records. We see the patient data challenges of today and the proposed solutions for tomorrow. Looking ahead 20 years using technologies of the future, here is what we see as the ideal Patient Record: A patient should: + own...